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About APAC Geospatial
APAC Geospatial provides end-to-end Remote Sensing and Imagery solutions to our users in Australia, New Zealand, PNG, South Pacific and Nepal. Potential users of Remote Sensing can trust APAC Geospatial to provide them state of the art and unbiased advice on appropriate Remote Sensing Platform (such as Drones, Aerial and Satellite), appropriate data to use (RGB, Multispectral, Hyperspectral, Radar, Thermal etc.) and be able to rely on advice on most appropriate software solution available for your Remote Sensing Project. APAC Geospatial is an authorized and exclusive distributor of products from NV5 Geospatial and our team can recommend the Analytical tools that are most appropriate for the task at your hand. If we believe that our partner solutions are the right options for you, we will provide you
with unbiased advice to take on board! For our team here at APAC Geospatial it is critical to
understand your requirement and ensure that your investment provides you value for money.

Who We Are?
World leading expert in Remote Sensing Dr Dipak Paudyal is our Founder, Chief Scientist and Managing Director. Dr Paudyal has PhD in Radar Remote Sensing and has a solid practical
experience in Remote Sensing, Image Processing and AI through intimately working in the past with Geospatial Imaging software and services companies in the world such as L3Harris Geospatial, ESRI Australia and Leica Geosystems/Hexagon/Intergraph/Erdas for extended period. Additionally, Dr. Paudyal holds Adjunct Positions of Associate Professorship at the University of Queensland and the University of the Sunshine Coast and maintains keen academic and Research interest on Remote
Sensing trends and technology.
Additionally, NV5 Geospatial products such as ENVI, IDL and ENVI SARscape integrate very well with Esri Products if/when required. At APAC Geospatial we therefore provide Remote Sensing and imagery solutions to Esri users that are keen to integrate world leading NV5 Geospatial products and solutions in their own workflows.
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